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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Samples of my Professional Performance

On this post I will list the links or links to the video tutorials, written tutorials, articles and sample videos that I have made of various projects in which I have participated or that I have developed as samples or pills of my professional performance which is the main intention of this post and for this reason it is linking with my curriculum in: 

 Curriculum Luis Arteaga

Those who are interested in hiring my professional services please contact me at the contact information provided on the previous link.

Obviously I cannot publish information from all the projects in which I have participated, some for confidentiality reasons and others for different reasons.

As I know that this blog and this post will not only be visited by companies or institutions interested in my professional services but also by individuals who love technology topics, then I leave this explanatory note:

Articles or links to them will be published here on projects developed by the blog's Administrator, Electronic Engineer, who will be attentive to your comments. All information contained on these links is in Spanish Language, remember you can use your browser's translator to read in English language. Likewise, on this blog and on this post everyone can share their knowledge and exchange opinions or contributions within a framework of respect and tolerance. Those comments that are outside this framework, deal with other topics not related to Electronics, Robotics, IoT, Embedded Systems or Programming will be eliminated.

I also clarify that the projects related here were not prepared in order to satisfy all the requirements that a reader or user of the same may have for their particular applications, I do not commit myself to solving particular problems and I do not offer any type of guarantee on them, as these are for reference only. However, I do promise to guide, suggest or support whoever asks me for help when time allows me to do so in a disinterested way in the comment service found here. 

Well, moving on to the samples of my abilities and without further clarification, below are the links to the video tutorials, written tutorials, articles and video samples, that I have made of various projects in which I have participated. What you will observe below is ordered from the most recent to the oldest, agreeing with what is shown in my professional history in engineering

Steady vs Transient States 

Category: Electronic Design

In May 2022 I wrote this post. In the field of #electronics, change is often a requirement of the overall functionality of a device. Like most things we encounter in electronics, there are at least two states of existence. For example, with a switch we find that it is off or on open or closed. In electronics there are two classifications of states that are a complex part of the analysis and understanding of the characteristics of a system, as well as the general functionality. These two states are the #Steady State and the #Transitory State. Here is the link to this post:

Steady vs Transient States 

Electronic Protection Devices

Category: Electronic Design

At the beginning of 2020, I started a series of videos about #electronic #protection #devices, starting with the basics. Then I finished that series of videos in the year 2022. The series is very interesting because explain fundamentals for electronic protection are explained from the point of view of #Electronic #Design in a simple way. Here are the respective links of this series of Video Tutorials:

Electronic Protection Devices Part 1/4

Electronic Protection Devices Part 2/4

Electronic Protection Devices Part 3/4

Electronic Protection Devices Part 4/4

Uploading sketches to Arduino microcontrollers with preloaded bootloader

Category: Hardware and Firmware Programming.

In June 2019 I made this tutorial on how to upload #sketches to different #Atmel #microcontrollers with preloaded Arduino #bootloader, that is, upload sketches to Atmel #standalone microcontrollers. In this tutorial you will find the connection diagrams to load #Arduino sketches together with the list of materials used for these diagrams, specifically for #ATMEGA328P-PU, #ATMEGA328-AU (smd) and #ATMEGA32U4 (smd) as explained together with Videotutorial linked to this tutorial. Here is the respective link:

Uploading sketches to Arduino microcontrollers with preloaded bootloader


Time Calculator for Async Serial Communications 

Category: Software Programming (JavaScript).

In the Year 2019 I developed this small software application in #JavaScript that is used to calculate transmission times in #serial #asynchronous #communications #UART, #RS-232, #Bluetooth, etc. Which in turn is also useful for calculating file transfer time. Here the link to the application: 

Time Calculator for Async Serial Communications

Arduino Library and Android APP for #Arduino #Dimmer Module

Category:  Firmware and Software Programming (C/C++, Assembly and Java/Android Studio).

In 2018 I designed the #arduino #library with examples for the Phase Control Module and on-off for resistive and inductive AC Loads. Likewise, I developed this simple APP to use it with smartphones that have the #Android and #Bluetooth operating system. The library uses interrupts and registers from the #ATMEGA328P-PU, #ATMEGA328-AU, #ATMEGA328P-AU, ATMEGA2550 and ATMEGA32U4 microcontrollers. Here all links: 

Using Library and App, Videotutorial

Post about Library and APP 

Download APP

Download Library

Difference between Original, Compatible, Generic, Clone and OEM products

Category: General Electronics.

In 2017 they interviewed me about this interesting topic where I explained the differences between an #Original, #Compatible, #Generic, #Clone and #OEM product: 

Difference between Original, Compatible, Generic, Clone and OEM products


Post #2 About a Embedded Systems Platform

Category: Embedded Systems, Arduino.

This is a post where I give some guidelines for those who start with #Arduino, things to keep in mind regarding its operation and how far you can go with this platform. It was wrote in 2017 with update in 2022. Here the link to this post:

10 Things You Should Know Before Starting Your First Arduino Project


Post #1 About a Embedded Systems Platform

Category: Embedded Systems, ChipKit.

This is a tutorial that I published in 2017 about the tools to program #ChipKit boards from the manufacturer #Digilent. Here is the link to the written tutorial:

Chipkit for everyone

Interactive calculator of the resistive value based on the color code

Category: Software Programming (JavaScript).

It is a handy tool for reading the color codes of 4-band carbon resistors and 5-band precision resistors!

An interactive App that can be used on both desktop computers and smartphones in order to determine the resistive value of a #resistor that is based on the #color #code of either 4 or 5 bands. Here the link to the application:

Interactive calculator of the resistive value based on the color code


A Wikipedia Entry

Category: Electronic Desing.

This is an article that I published several years ago on Wikipedia (2014) that deals with a very general description of what Electronic Design is: 

What is Electronic Design


Arduino Clap Meter

Category: Analogue Sensors.

This is an application for analog sound sensors with Arduino. I implemented the code, circuit and smd LED bar board for this short demo in 2013. I haven't reviewed it in a while and my surprise it also has quite a number of views. Here is the link to the video tutorial:

Arduino Clap Meter


Digital Puzzle with Tactile Proximity Sensors

Category: Contactless Technology.

A demonstration of how to create basic entertainment with contactless technology. This demo video shows the use of reflective optical sensors to detect movements. The HID-USB IR BRIDGE module from Silicon Labs was configured by the author of this post and blog as a demo for the Campus Party 2012. Here is the link to the demo video:

Digital Puzzle with Tactile Proximity Sensors


Children Learn Geography of Colombia with Accelerometer

Category: Sensors. 

A demonstration of how interactive technology can be applied in education, in this case for social sciences. This video shows the use of a STEVAL-MKI005V1 Accelerometer by  STMicroelectronics company. I set this module and its use in demo mode for Campus Party 2012. Here is the link to the demo video: 

Accelerometer for learning geography


Brief explanation and demonstration of the operation of an analog oscilloscope

Category: Instrumentation.

This is a video tutorial that I made in 2012 about operation of a Tektronix brand oscilloscope. For those who know the subject, you will know that #Tektronix is one of the leading companies in electronic instrumentation. Here the link of the video:

Tektronix 2430

Get started with Arduino Nano

Category: Embedded Systems, Arduino.

Several years ago, back in 2012, when the #Arduino wave was starting in #Colombia, I published this initiation video on Arduino #Nano. This card was being assembled here in Colombia under my guidance at the time. Reviewing it today (see date of this post) I see that this video has quite a few views. Here the video: 

Get started with Arduino Nano


Bluetooth RN Series

Category: Wireless Communications.

The #bluetooth modules in this series, formerly Roving Networks and now #Microchip, are in my opinion (without detracting from the opinions that other experts on the subject may have about other manufacturers) one of the best modules on the market that today, of course, have diversified finding many more options of the same series.

In the video that you will see below, in 2012 a board designed and developed by the author of this post is shown, which was the breakout and hardware interface that was assembled here in Colombia under my supervision and about which I made this demonstration video, later of course in said company, other video tutorials on its use were released: 

Basic Demo of ME30024 Board


Category: Multidisciplinary, Electronic Design.

#Motivatrix was a project in which I participated, which consisted of a #fitness machine either to exercise or to burn calories through video #games. The exercises are guided through a touch screen and their monitoring/measurement and approval/ranking is done by the machine itself through contactless sensors. To continue to the next level the user must meet a certain score or burn a certain number of calories. The same happens with the games that at the time this machine was created absurdly surpassed what we later knew as #nintendo wii, so it was very innovative. In addition, this machine has vital sign sensors so that the user can review them whenever he/she want, routines from their doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer can be included in its software.

My participation in the development of #Motivatrix was in the electronic part, sensors and embedded systems that it has, during  2005  and up to 2007. Here are the links to videos of it working: 

Dance Routine

Personal Trainig Routine

Motivatrix on The Price Right TV Show


Other samples can be reviewed by looking at the other posts of this blog.

Please, keep in mid that my curriculum it is: Curriculum Luis Arteaga



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